shopifyAddProduct Step


ext. Version: 2022-01
Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren

This is the actual step which will be published in your Add-On. Typically it will consist of Flow-Variables, steps for the execution logic and Output-Variables. The corresponding Test-Flow TestFlow-shopifyAddProduct will then use this step and see the input and outputs.

Handbuch aufrufen

Über Synesty Studio für shopify

Mit Synesty als No Code Middleware verbinden Sie shopify mit anderen Schnittstellen, APIs und Systemen ohne Programmierung per Drag&Drop. Automatisieren Sie Geschäftsprozesse und Integrationen wie EDI Datenimport / Export oder eine einmalige Daten-Migration.

Wir unterstützen Datenformate wie CSV, Excel (XLS/XLSX), XML oder JSON und ermöglichen auch HTTP-Konnektoren zu REST- oder GraphQL-APIs. Kunden nutzen es auch für Auswertungen, ETL-Aufgaben oder Feed-Optimierung.
Unser No Code Flow-Editor und unsere Low Code Scripting Tools ermöglichen kreative Anpassungen für jede Art von Integration.

Zum Add-On

Über Synesty Studio für shopify

Mit Synesty als No Code Middleware verbinden Sie shopify mit anderen Schnittstellen, APIs und Systemen ohne Programmierung per Drag&Drop. Automatisieren Sie Geschäftsprozesse und Integrationen wie EDI Datenimport / Export oder eine einmalige Daten-Migration.

Wir unterstützen Datenformate wie CSV, Excel (XLS/XLSX), XML oder JSON und ermöglichen auch HTTP-Konnektoren zu REST- oder GraphQL-APIs. Kunden nutzen es auch für Auswertungen, ETL-Aufgaben oder Feed-Optimierung.
Unser No Code Flow-Editor und unsere Low Code Scripting Tools ermöglichen kreative Anpassungen für jede Art von Integration.

Zum Add-On

Hilfe oder Projektsupport gewünscht?

Wenn Sie Hilfe bei der Einrichtung dieses Steps benötigen oder ein Projekt umsetzen wollen, dann unterstützen Sie unsere verifizierten Partner. Partner finden

shopifyAddProduct wird oft in Verbindung mit folgenden Steps verwendet:

Name Version Beschreibung Anwendungsfall
shopifyDeleteMetafields Step shopifyDeleteMetafields (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyDeleteMetafields (ext. Version: 2024-01)

<p>Deletes metafields.</p>

Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren

Weitere Steps in shopify

Name Version Beschreibung Anwendungsfall
shopifyAddProduct Step shopifyAddProduct (ext. Version: 2022-01)
shopifyAddProduct (ext. Version: 2022-01)
2022-01 This is the actual step which will be published in your Add-On. Typically it will consist of Flow-Variables, steps for the execution logic and Output-Variables. The corresponding Test-Flow TestFlow-shopifyAddProduct will then use this step and see the input and outputs.
Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyGetProducts Step shopifyGetProducts (ext. Version: 2022-10)
shopifyGetProducts (ext. Version: 2022-10)

Retrieves a list of products and product variants.

Produktdaten abrufen / auslesen
shopifyDeleteMetafields Step shopifyDeleteMetafields (ext. Version: 2022-10)
shopifyDeleteMetafields (ext. Version: 2022-10)

Deletes metafields.

Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyGetLocations Step shopifyGetLocations (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyGetLocations (ext. Version: 2024-01)
2024-01 This is the actual step which will be published in your Add-On. Typically it will consist of Flow-Variables, steps for the execution logic and Output-Variables. The corresponding Test-Flow TestFlow-shopifyGetLocations will then use this step and see the input and outputs.
Reports / Auswertungen abrufen / auslesen
shopifyAddProduct Step shopifyAddProduct (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyAddProduct (ext. Version: 2024-01)
2024-01 With this step simple products (without variants) or products with its first variant(mainvariant)can be created in shopify. Version 2.0 supports the new inventory management of shopify. To create a product with variant you have to fill at least the option1 parameters.
Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyGetProductMetafields Step shopifyGetProductMetafields (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyGetProductMetafields (ext. Version: 2024-01)
2024-01 Retrieves a list of metafields that belong to a product or a product variant.
Produktdaten abrufen / auslesen
shopifyDeleteMetafields Step shopifyDeleteMetafields (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyDeleteMetafields (ext. Version: 2024-01)

<p>Deletes metafields.</p>

Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyAddVariantToProduct Step shopifyAddVariantToProduct (ext. Version: 2022-10)
shopifyAddVariantToProduct (ext. Version: 2022-10)

With this step variants will be added to a simple products with the option1 parameters. Does the product already has variants it will also use the option2 and 3 parameters if they exists.

Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyAddProductMetafields Step shopifyAddProductMetafields (ext. Version: 2022-10)
shopifyAddProductMetafields (ext. Version: 2022-10)

Creates new metafields for products or product variants.

Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyOrderFulfillment Step shopifyOrderFulfillment (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyOrderFulfillment (ext. Version: 2024-01)
2024-01 This step fullfills all or partialy line items for an order. In addition (optional), tracking information can be added and the customer can be notified via e-mail.
Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyUpdateMetafields Step shopifyUpdateMetafields (ext. Version: 2022-10)
shopifyUpdateMetafields (ext. Version: 2022-10)

Updates metafields. Please note that namespace and key cannot be changed.

Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyGetOrders Step shopifyGetOrders (ext. Version: 2022-01)
shopifyGetOrders (ext. Version: 2022-01)
2022-01 This is the actual step which will be published in your Add-On. Typically it will consist of Flow-Variables, steps for the execution logic and Output-Variables. The corresponding Test-Flow TestFlow-shopifyGetOrders will then use this step and see the input and outputs.
Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten abrufen / auslesen
shopifyUpdateOrder Step shopifyUpdateOrder (ext. Version: 2022-10)
shopifyUpdateOrder (ext. Version: 2022-10)

With this step, you can update order information. e.g.: note, note_attributes, tags, email, etc.

Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyAddProductMetafields Step shopifyAddProductMetafields (ext. Version: 2024-07)
shopifyAddProductMetafields (ext. Version: 2024-07)

<p>Creates new metafields for products or product variants.</p>

Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyOrderFulfillment Step shopifyOrderFulfillment (ext. Version: 2022-01)
shopifyOrderFulfillment (ext. Version: 2022-01)

This step fullfills all or partialy line items for an order. In addition (optional), tracking information can be added and the customer can be notified via e-mail.

Tracking / Versanddaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyGetOrderTransactions Step shopifyGetOrderTransactions (ext. Version: 2022-01)
shopifyGetOrderTransactions (ext. Version: 2022-01)
2022-01 This is the actual step which will be published in your Add-On. Typically it will consist of Flow-Variables, steps for the execution logic and Output-Variables. The corresponding Test-Flow TestFlow-shopifyGetOrderTransactions will then use this step and see the input and outputs.
Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten abrufen / auslesen , Tracking / Versanddaten abrufen / auslesen
shopifyGetRefunds Step shopifyGetRefunds (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyGetRefunds (ext. Version: 2024-01)

Retrieves all refund information including refunded items, order adjustments and transactions of all orders according to the set order status, financial status and fulfillment status. The retrieval of orders can be additionally limited by specifying the order creation date (optional) and the order updated date (optional).

Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten abrufen / auslesen
shopifyUpdateVariantInformation Step shopifyUpdateVariantInformation (ext. Version: 2022-10)
shopifyUpdateVariantInformation (ext. Version: 2022-10)

With this step variants will be updated.

Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyGetOrderTransactions Step shopifyGetOrderTransactions (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyGetOrderTransactions (ext. Version: 2024-01)
2024-01 Retrieves all transaction for all specified order_ids.
Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten abrufen / auslesen
shopifyUpdatePriceAndBarcode Step shopifyUpdatePriceAndBarcode (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyUpdatePriceAndBarcode (ext. Version: 2024-01)

With this step the price and the barcode of an already created product can be updated.

Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren , Preise übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyUpdateVariantInformation Step shopifyUpdateVariantInformation (ext. Version: 2022-01)
shopifyUpdateVariantInformation (ext. Version: 2022-01)

With this step variants will be updated.

Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyUpdatePriceAndBarcode Step shopifyUpdatePriceAndBarcode (ext. Version: 2022-01)
shopifyUpdatePriceAndBarcode (ext. Version: 2022-01)
2022-01 This is the actual step which will be published in your Add-On. Typically it will consist of Flow-Variables, steps for the execution logic and Output-Variables. The corresponding Test-Flow TestFlow-shopifyUpdatePriceAndBarcode will then use this step and see the input and outputs.
Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren , Preise übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyCreateOrders Step shopifyCreateOrders (ext. Version: 2024-04)
shopifyCreateOrders (ext. Version: 2024-04)
2024-04 Creates orders in shopify. To create orders in shopify, they must first be stored in a master-child datastore with a predefined schema. Only orders in processing status UNPROCESSED will be proceeded.
Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyModifyProductImages Step shopifyModifyProductImages (ext. Version: 2023-04)
shopifyModifyProductImages (ext. Version: 2023-04)

Modifies images in shopify. The image position, the alt text and the corresponding variants to the image can be modified. The specified variants to the image are added in addition to any already assigned variant.

shopifyGetProductMetafields Step shopifyGetProductMetafields (ext. Version: 2022-10)
shopifyGetProductMetafields (ext. Version: 2022-10)

Retrieves a list of metafields that belong to a product or a product variant.

Produktdaten abrufen / auslesen
shopifyAddProduct Step shopifyAddProduct (ext. Version: 2022-10)
shopifyAddProduct (ext. Version: 2022-10)
2022-10 This is the actual step which will be published in your Add-On. Typically it will consist of Flow-Variables, steps for the execution logic and Output-Variables. The corresponding Test-Flow TestFlow-shopifyAddProduct will then use this step and see the input and outputs.
Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyUpdateProductInformation Step shopifyUpdateProductInformation (ext. Version: 2022-10)
shopifyUpdateProductInformation (ext. Version: 2022-10)

With this step the product information of an already created product can be updated.

Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyCreateOrders Step shopifyCreateOrders (ext. Version: 2023-01)
shopifyCreateOrders (ext. Version: 2023-01)

<p>Creates orders in shopify.&nbsp;Orders&nbsp;to create in shopify must first be stored in a master-child datastore with a predefined schema. Only orders in&nbsp;processing status UNPROCESSED will be proceeded.</p>

Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyAddProductMetafields Step shopifyAddProductMetafields (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyAddProductMetafields (ext. Version: 2024-01)

<p>Creates new metafields for products or product variants.</p>

Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifySetInventoryLevel Step shopifySetInventoryLevel (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifySetInventoryLevel (ext. Version: 2024-01)

This step sets the inventory of items in a specified location. If no location is determined the default location with the shipping origin address is used.

Please note that only items can be processed by this step where "shopify" is set for inventory management!


Bestand / Verfügbarkeit übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyGetProductImages Step shopifyGetProductImages (ext. Version: 2022-10)
shopifyGetProductImages (ext. Version: 2022-10)

<p>Uploads new product images to a product via an image URL.&nbsp;In addition, the position and the alt text and the corresponding variants to the image can also be specified.</p>

Bilder abrufen / auslesen
shopifyUpdateVariantInformation Step shopifyUpdateVariantInformation (ext. Version: 2020-10)
shopifyUpdateVariantInformation (ext. Version: 2020-10)

With this step variants will be updated.

Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren , Preise übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyGetProducts Step shopifyGetProducts (ext. Version: 2023-04)
shopifyGetProducts (ext. Version: 2023-04)

Retrieves a list of products and product variants.

shopifyCreateOrders Step shopifyCreateOrders (ext. Version: 2022-01)
shopifyCreateOrders (ext. Version: 2022-01)
2022-01 This is the actual step which will be published in your Add-On. Typically it will consist of Flow-Variables, steps for the execution logic and Output-Variables. The corresponding Test-Flow TestFlow-shopifyCreateOrders will then use this step and see the input and outputs.
Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyAddVariantToProduct Step shopifyAddVariantToProduct (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyAddVariantToProduct (ext. Version: 2024-01)

With this step variants will be added to a simple products with the option1 parameters. 

Does the product already has variants it will also use the option2 and 3 parameters if they exists.

Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyUpdateOrder Step shopifyUpdateOrder (ext. Version: 2022-01)
shopifyUpdateOrder (ext. Version: 2022-01)
2022-01 This is the actual step which will be published in your Add-On. Typically it will consist of Flow-Variables, steps for the execution logic and Output-Variables. The corresponding Test-Flow TestFlow-shopifyUpdateOrder will then use this step and see the input and outputs.
Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyUploadProductImages Step shopifyUploadProductImages (ext. Version: 2022-01)
shopifyUploadProductImages (ext. Version: 2022-01)

Uploads new product images to a product via an image URL. In addition, the position and the alt text and the corresponding variants to the image can also be specified.

Bilder übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyCreateOrders Step shopifyCreateOrders (ext. Version: 2022-10)
shopifyCreateOrders (ext. Version: 2022-10)

Creates orders in shopify. Orders to create in shopify must first be stored in a master-child datastore with a predefined schema. Only orders in processing status UNPROCESSED will be proceeded.

Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyGetLocations Step shopifyGetLocations (ext. Version: 2022-10)
shopifyGetLocations (ext. Version: 2022-10)

Retrieves a list of all locations

Datensätze abrufen / auslesen
shopifyGetProducts Step shopifyGetProducts (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyGetProducts (ext. Version: 2024-01)
2024-01 Retrieves a list of products and product variants.
Produktdaten abrufen / auslesen , Bestand / Verfügbarkeit abrufen / auslesen , Preise abrufen / auslesen
shopifyAddVariantToProduct Step shopifyAddVariantToProduct (ext. Version: 2022-01)
shopifyAddVariantToProduct (ext. Version: 2022-01)
2022-01 This is the actual step which will be published in your Add-On. Typically it will consist of Flow-Variables, steps for the execution logic and Output-Variables. The corresponding Test-Flow TestFlow-shopifyAddVariantToProduct will then use this step and see the input and outputs.
Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyUpdateOrder Step shopifyUpdateOrder (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyUpdateOrder (ext. Version: 2024-01)
2024-01 With this step, you can update order information. e.g.: note, note_attributes, tags, email, etc.
Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyGetProductMetafields Step shopifyGetProductMetafields (ext. Version: 2022-01)
shopifyGetProductMetafields (ext. Version: 2022-01)
2022-01 This is the actual step which will be published in your Add-On. Typically it will consist of Flow-Variables, steps for the execution logic and Output-Variables. The corresponding Test-Flow TestFlow-shopifyGetProductMetafields will then use this step and see the input and outputs.
Produktdaten abrufen / auslesen
shopifyAddProduct Step shopifyAddProduct (ext. Version: 2022-10)
shopifyAddProduct (ext. Version: 2022-10)

With this step simple products (without variants) or products with its first variant(mainvariant)can be created in shopify. Version 2.0 supports the new inventory management&nbsp;of shopify.</p> <p>To create a product with variant you have to fill at least the option1 parameters.

Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyGetFulfilledItems Step shopifyGetFulfilledItems (ext. Version: 2022-01)
shopifyGetFulfilledItems (ext. Version: 2022-01)
2022-01 This is the actual step which will be published in your Add-On. Typically it will consist of Flow-Variables, steps for the execution logic and Output-Variables. The corresponding Test-Flow TestFlow-shopifyGetFulfilledItems will then use this step and see the input and outputs.
Produktdaten abrufen / auslesen
shopifyGetProducts Step shopifyGetProducts (ext. Version: 2022-01)
shopifyGetProducts (ext. Version: 2022-01)
2022-01 This is the actual step which will be published in your Add-On. Typically it will consist of Flow-Variables, steps for the execution logic and Output-Variables. The corresponding Test-Flow TestFlow-shopifyGetProducts will then use this step and see the input and outputs.
Produktdaten abrufen / auslesen
shopifyModifyProductImages Step shopifyModifyProductImages (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyModifyProductImages (ext. Version: 2024-01)
2024-01 Modifies images in shopify. The image position, the alt text and the corresponding variants to the image can be modified. The specified variants to the image are added in addition to any already assigned variant.
Bilder übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyGetCountriesAndTax Step shopifyGetCountriesAndTax (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyGetCountriesAndTax (ext. Version: 2024-01)
2024-01 Retrieves countries and all tax rates for the countries you ship to.
Reports / Auswertungen abrufen / auslesen
shopifyUpdateMetafields Step shopifyUpdateMetafields (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyUpdateMetafields (ext. Version: 2024-01)

Updates metafields. Please note that namespace and key cannot be changed.

Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyAddVariantToProduct Step shopifyAddVariantToProduct (ext. Version: 2020-10)
shopifyAddVariantToProduct (ext. Version: 2020-10)

With this step variants will be added to a simple products with the option1 parameters. 

Does the product already has variants it will also use the option2 and 3 parameters if they exists.

Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyDeleteMetafields Step shopifyDeleteMetafields (ext. Version: 2022-01)
shopifyDeleteMetafields (ext. Version: 2022-01)
2022-01 This is the actual step which will be published in your Add-On. Typically it will consist of Flow-Variables, steps for the execution logic and Output-Variables. The corresponding Test-Flow TestFlow-shopifyDeleteMetafields will then use this step and see the input and outputs.
Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyUpdateMetafields Step shopifyUpdateMetafields (ext. Version: 2022-01)
shopifyUpdateMetafields (ext. Version: 2022-01)
2022-01 This is the actual step which will be published in your Add-On. Typically it will consist of Flow-Variables, steps for the execution logic and Output-Variables. The corresponding Test-Flow TestFlow-shopifyUpdateMetafields will then use this step and see the input and outputs.
Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyUpdateProductInformation Step shopifyUpdateProductInformation (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyUpdateProductInformation (ext. Version: 2024-01)

With this step the product information of an already created product can be updated.

Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifySetInventoryLevel Step shopifySetInventoryLevel (ext. Version: 2022-10)
shopifySetInventoryLevel (ext. Version: 2022-10)

This step sets the inventory of items in a specified location. If no location is determined the default location with the shipping origin address is used.Please note that only items can be processed by this step where 'shopify' is set for inventory management!

Bestand / Verfügbarkeit übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifySetInventoryLevel Step shopifySetInventoryLevel (ext. Version: 2022-01)
shopifySetInventoryLevel (ext. Version: 2022-01)
2022-01 This is the actual step which will be published in your Add-On. Typically it will consist of Flow-Variables, steps for the execution logic and Output-Variables. The corresponding Test-Flow TestFlow-shopifySetInventoryLevel will then use this step and see the input and outputs.
Bestand / Verfügbarkeit übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyGetLocations Step shopifyGetLocations (ext. Version: 2022-01)
shopifyGetLocations (ext. Version: 2022-01)
2022-01 This is the actual step which will be published in your Add-On. Typically it will consist of Flow-Variables, steps for the execution logic and Output-Variables. The corresponding Test-Flow TestFlow-shopifyGetLocations will then use this step and see the input and outputs.
Produktdaten abrufen / auslesen
shopifyGetCountriesAndTax Step shopifyGetCountriesAndTax (ext. Version: 2022-10)
shopifyGetCountriesAndTax (ext. Version: 2022-10)

Retrieves countries and all tax rates for the countries you ship to.

Datensätze abrufen / auslesen
shopifyDeleteProductImages Step shopifyDeleteProductImages (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyDeleteProductImages (ext. Version: 2024-01)

Deletes images in shopify.

Bilder übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyGetCountriesAndTax Step shopifyGetCountriesAndTax (ext. Version: 2022-01)
shopifyGetCountriesAndTax (ext. Version: 2022-01)
2022-01 This is the actual step which will be published in your Add-On. Typically it will consist of Flow-Variables, steps for the execution logic and Output-Variables. The corresponding Test-Flow TestFlow-shopifyGetCountriesAndTax will then use this step and see the input and outputs.
shopifyUpdateProductInformation Step shopifyUpdateProductInformation (ext. Version: 2022-01)
shopifyUpdateProductInformation (ext. Version: 2022-01)
2022-01 This is the actual step which will be published in your Add-On. Typically it will consist of Flow-Variables, steps for the execution logic and Output-Variables. The corresponding Test-Flow TestFlow-shopifyUpdateProductInformation will then use this step and see the input and outputs.
Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyCreateOrders Step shopifyCreateOrders (ext. Version: 2021-10)
shopifyCreateOrders (ext. Version: 2021-10)

Creates orders in shopify. Orders to create in shopify must first be stored in a master-child datastore with a predefined schema. Only orders in processing status UNPROCESSED will be proceeded.

Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyUpdateOrder Step shopifyUpdateOrder (ext. Version: 2020-10)
shopifyUpdateOrder (ext. Version: 2020-10)

With this step, you can update order information. e.g.: note, note_attributes, tags, email, etc.

Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren , JSON Daten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyGetOrders Step shopifyGetOrders (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyGetOrders (ext. Version: 2024-01)
2024-01 Retrieves orders. The retrieval of orders can be limited by specifying the statuses as well as the creation time and the update time of the orders.
Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten abrufen / auslesen
shopifyGetRefunds Step shopifyGetRefunds (ext. Version: 2022-10)
shopifyGetRefunds (ext. Version: 2022-10)

Retrieves all refund information including refunded items, order adjustments and transactions of all orders according to the set order status, financial status and fulfillment status. The retrieval of orders can be additionally limited by specifying the order creation date (optional) and the order updated date (optional).

Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten abrufen / auslesen
shopifyGetOrderTransactions Step shopifyGetOrderTransactions (ext. Version: 2022-10)
shopifyGetOrderTransactions (ext. Version: 2022-10)

Retrieves all transaction for all specified order_ids.

Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten abrufen / auslesen
shopifyOrderFulfillment Step shopifyOrderFulfillment (ext. Version: 2023-01)
shopifyOrderFulfillment (ext. Version: 2023-01)

This step fullfills all or partialy line items for an order. In addition (optional), tracking information can be added and the customer can be notified via e-mail.

Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyGetProductImages Step shopifyGetProductImages (ext. Version: 2022-01)
shopifyGetProductImages (ext. Version: 2022-01)
2022-01 This is the actual step which will be published in your Add-On. Typically it will consist of Flow-Variables, steps for the execution logic and Output-Variables. The corresponding Test-Flow TestFlow-shopifyGetProductImages will then use this step and see the input and outputs.
Bilder abrufen / auslesen
shopifyCreateRefund Step shopifyCreateRefund (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyCreateRefund (ext. Version: 2024-01)
2024-01 This step creates refunds for one or multiple line items per order.
Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren , Tracking / Versanddaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyDeleteProductImages Step shopifyDeleteProductImages (ext. Version: 2023-04)
shopifyDeleteProductImages (ext. Version: 2023-04)

Deletes images in shopify.

shopifyGetOrders Step shopifyGetOrders (ext. Version: 2023-01)
shopifyGetOrders (ext. Version: 2023-01)

Retrieves orders. The retrieval of orders can be limited by specifying the statuses as well as the creation time and the update time of the orders.

Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyGetProductImages Step shopifyGetProductImages (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyGetProductImages (ext. Version: 2024-01)

Uploads new product images to a product via an image URL. In addition, the position and the alt text and the corresponding variants to the image can also be specified.

Bilder abrufen / auslesen
shopifyGetFulfilledItems Step shopifyGetFulfilledItems (ext. Version: 2022-10)
shopifyGetFulfilledItems (ext. Version: 2022-10)

Retrieves all fulfilled items. All orders with the fulfillment status fulfilled (shipped) and partially fulfilled (partially shipped) are processed. The retrieval of orders can be limited by specifying the order status.

Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten abrufen / auslesen , Tracking / Versanddaten abrufen / auslesen
shopifyGetRefunds Step shopifyGetRefunds (ext. Version: 2022-01)
shopifyGetRefunds (ext. Version: 2022-01)
2022-01 Get refunds of orders.
Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten abrufen / auslesen , Tracking / Versanddaten abrufen / auslesen
shopifyAddProductMetafields Step shopifyAddProductMetafields (ext. Version: 2022-01)
shopifyAddProductMetafields (ext. Version: 2022-01)

Creates new metafields for products or product variants.

Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyUpdateVariantInformation Step shopifyUpdateVariantInformation (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyUpdateVariantInformation (ext. Version: 2024-01)

With this step variants will be updated.

Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyAddProduct Step shopifyAddProduct (ext. Version: 2020-10)
shopifyAddProduct (ext. Version: 2020-10)

With this step simple products (without variants) or products with its first variant(mainvariant)can be created in shopify. Version 2.0 supports the new inventory management of shopify.

To create a product with variant you have to fill at least the option1 parameters.

Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren , Bilder übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyUploadProductImages Step shopifyUploadProductImages (ext. Version: 2023-04)
shopifyUploadProductImages (ext. Version: 2023-04)

Uploads new product images to a product via an image URL. In addition, the position and the alt text and the corresponding variants to the image can also be specified.

shopifyGetFulfilledItems Step shopifyGetFulfilledItems (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyGetFulfilledItems (ext. Version: 2024-01)

Retrieves all fulfilled items. All orders with the fulfillment status fulfilled (shipped) and partially fulfilled (partially shipped) are processed. The retrieval of orders can be limited by specifying the order status.

Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten abrufen / auslesen , Tracking / Versanddaten abrufen / auslesen
shopifyUpdatePriceAndBarcode Step shopifyUpdatePriceAndBarcode (ext. Version: 2022-10)
shopifyUpdatePriceAndBarcode (ext. Version: 2022-10)

With this step the price and the barcode of an already created product can be updated.

Produktdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren , Preise übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyUploadProductImages Step shopifyUploadProductImages (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyUploadProductImages (ext. Version: 2024-01)
2024-01 Uploads new product images to a product via an image URL. In addition, the position and the alt text and the corresponding variants to the image can also be specified.
Bilder übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyCreateRefund Step shopifyCreateRefund (ext. Version: 2023-04)
shopifyCreateRefund (ext. Version: 2023-04)

This step creates refunds for one or multiple line items per order.

Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren , Tracking / Versanddaten übertragen oder aktualisieren
shopifyCreateOrders Step shopifyCreateOrders (ext. Version: 2024-01)
shopifyCreateOrders (ext. Version: 2024-01)

<p>Creates orders in shopify.&nbsp;Orders&nbsp;to create in shopify must first be stored in a master-child datastore with a predefined schema. Only orders in&nbsp;processing status UNPROCESSED will be proceeded.</p>

Bestellungen bzw. Auftragsdaten übertragen oder aktualisieren